lunes, junio 18, 2007

Other names

Now, suddenly, other names

whisper in my mind, murmur,

as the water of a river nobody certainly knows,

the portrait of the same shadowiness


this night,

the same night I once saw from home,

new words name the unreachable

diminutive flowers of fire

who tremblingly blossom in the highs

I slowly, fearfully pronounce it

and I can not stop feeling

the fragileness of everything I know

the fragileness of the signs my mother once lovely taught me

we have lost

we have forgotten the meaning of the first fire

and now the glyphs of our ancestors

are vanishing in their own muteness

everything happen repeatedly

everything will happen until the end of the time

said the poet

and something like a tiny, slow dust also begun covering his words

at the end nothing will remain

nor a single word

nor a stone over stone

but I am trying to talk about this night of sadness


and now I can say that as the bright moon cross the nocturnal highs,

below her,

the hidden seeds and the buried bones of my grandparents

continue indolently sleeping under the earth

without being disturbed

for this kind of inoffensive thoughts

I know

this is the sad night I once saw from home,

but now I can smell another peel over the surface of everything

and I am aware of the unmovable

deeply nature of things

who is beating from its very inside

I am the foreign one

I said

and all my words,

just a full fit of dust and symbols,

are silenced in the wind

martes, junio 12, 2007

Your name

this is your name
all that you have for sure
all that you have
when you lost your way
your path to somewhere
when your friends,
your family,
are just a trembling shadow
in your mind

this is your name
the remains of something
once you had
the footprint of some beast
you can not recognize

your name
the lost sign of something
you cant remember

your name
your sweet name

pronunce it
say it
hear it

it is nothing but a mute blow of wind
between your lips
just nothing but dust

a shy roar in the midnight of nowhere

viernes, junio 08, 2007

afuera la demasiada luz

afuera la demasiada luz su inmóvil pulso el halo silencioso el nombre sobre la superficie de las cosas pronunciándose afuera la zarpa del medio día crepitante la huella de su punzante claridad el signo de otro fuego contenido avivándose siempre ardiendo en la presencia de todo lo nombrable afuera la demasiada luz su inmóvil pulso el halo silencioso el nombre sobre la superficie de las cosas pronunciándose afuera la zarpa del medio día crepitante la huella de su punzante claridad el signo de otro fuego contenido avivándose siempre ardiendo en la presencia de todo lo nombrable afuera la demasiada luz su inmovil

raíz también

y tallo



entre mis labios


en un último espasmo

entre las sombras

de otro modo luminosa

tu carne


raíz también

y tallo



entre mis labios



todo quedó en ese silencio


en ese claroscuro

que la luz ha fijado

con un solo disparo

en la película